Monday Memories
Post 10, July 3, 2017
Hello All:
1999 was also GMCG’s first year of Watershed Weekend—Forestry in the Watershed
1999 was also a year of GMCG’s first Watershed Weekend co-hosted by Camp Calumet on Ossipee Lake. The very first Watershed Weekend featured Forestry in the Watershed. It was a packed day with incredible speakers, walks, boat trips and ended with a dinner and band. Despite the rain at night, over 400 people attended the event and enjoyed presentations, displays and getting to know the new organization a bit more. Many new connections and lasting partnerships were formed at this milestone event ranging from David Carroll and his excellent talk about turtle habitat…
to Sherry Godlewski, NH DES and Trish Garrigan, EPA who spoke about “what is a watershed”…
to key note speaker Dr. Bob Newton from Smith College who talked about the Aquifer.
On Sunday we hosted a cross border canoe/kayak trip from New Hampshire to Maine with Maine Guide Jeff McEvoy.
There were numerous display booths and educational booths set up under the tent and visitors were able to enjoy talking to a host of different environmental scientists about forestry and habitat. Read More in the Spring/Summer 1999 Newsletter.

(Board members Don LaChance left and Chip Kimball right, man the registration table.)
While many of our early friends are sadly no longer with us, (Don LaChance, early Secretary passed away in 2010) and some have moved away, we are blessed that many early supporters, stakeholders and partners are still just as passionate about watershed and water quality protection and continue to partner with GMCG today! THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE!
In celebration of Green Mountain Conservation Group’s 20th Birthday (May 1, 1997-May 1 2017) we will be posting Memories on Mondays in May through September on the GMCG Facebook page and on our website If you would like to be part of this journey please “like” Green Mountain Conservation Group on our Facebook page. We are trying to raise funds for our new home—-The Patricia and Charles Watts Conservation Center also known as the Blue Heron House on the Ossipee River and expansion of staff needed to run our programs. We are doing this online through this campaign by asking you to consider a gift of $20 in honor of our 20th Birthday. Do you have a connection to the Ossipee Watershed? Did you know a former staff person or Board member over the past 20 years who you would like to honor? Can you also invite your own friends and families who have connections to this Watershed or a specific person and ask for a contribution too? Please feel free to forward our posts and information. THANK YOU.
Donations can be made to : CLICK HERE
Each gift of $1000 raised in a specific person’s name will honor that person with a plaque on a rocking chair. For example—if you send in a donation of $20 in a staff or previous board member’s name, that will be tracked and recorded as a gift to honor that specific person. If you can help by inviting 50 friends to do the same then you will have helped raise $1000 and that person and you will have your name on one of our porch rocking chairs.
Thank you!
Blair Folts, GMCG Executive Director
To access previously posted 20 Years of Memories, look to the right hand margin.