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GMCG launches our Holiday Season Gift Giving fundraiser October 15, 2022.  The auction ends Sunday October 23, 2022, at 5pm.   Many local businesses and  have offered a wide selection of gifts, gift certificates and services.  They include Zeb’s General Store, The Local Grocer, Swift River Wood products, Tuckerman Brewing Company, Mountainview Station Restaurant, Jake’s Restaurant, Farm to Table Market, Tamworth Farmer’s Market and Sap house Meadery, along with many more.  There is a wide variety of gift choices and price ranges.  Everyone can participate in some way.


Take this opportunity to support GMCG’s 2022-2023 water protection programs, while starting your holiday season shopping.  Your gift selection will serve multiple purposes such as providing you early gift selection from the area’s local businesses, and at the same time supporting the important work of this local non-profit organization advocating for life sustaining resources…Our Water.  “One Aquifer, Let’s Protect It.”

Bid often.  Get into the Holiday Spirit!

Thanks for your support.