Aquifer Protection Committee

How do we work together to protect this essential resource into the future? The answer lies in education and cooperation. There must be cooperation between the state, multiple towns, local organizations and all people living in the area. GMCG has developed the Aquifer Protection Committee (APC) for the continued protection of the Ossipee aquifer.


The aquifers of the Saco and Ossipee watersheds are unique treasures and critically valuable
resources that sustain our people, ecosystems and economy. Water knows no boundaries and
the quality of our aquifer is challenged by a variety of natural and human activities, as well as
climate change; any of which could significantly degrade our water.

The mission of the Aquifer Protection Committee (APC) is to promote public awareness and
empower our communities so we can act together to protect this resource. We will do this by
proactively providing strategies and tools to our communities and working alongside them to
leverage these in support of aquifer protection.

This committee operates under the auspices of the Green Mountain Conservation Group and
reports to the Board of Directors. It will inform, advise and provide recommendations to the
Board that are pertinent to aquifer health and protection.

Goals and Objectives

1. To advocate and proactively support aquifer protection policies by actively partnering in an
advisory capacity with local municipalities, agencies, boards, commissions, conservation and
water protection organizations.
2. To educate the public and promote awareness about the watershed’s aquifers and how to
protect them with strategies and tools.
3. To review, gather data, communicate and make any recommendations for action on any
aquifer impact from potential or on-going development in the watershed.