Annual Volunteer Biological Assessment Program Community Presentation
November 10, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
At Effingham Elementary School
6 Partridge Cove Rd, Effingham, NH 03882
GMCG and students from the Ossipee Watershed will present their water quality research findings
from the seventeenth annual Volunteer Biological Assessment Program in a presentation at
Effingham Elementary School from 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Each year local
schools present what they learned through participation in VBAP, a community science program that
assesses stream health through macroinvertebrates. Students follow state protocols to sample a local
river or stream and learn about their watershed. They also collect water chemistry data using
sophisticated water quality monitoring equipment and investigate local waterbodies for microplastics
using plankton nets and microscopes.
The community is invited to hear from the students what they learned through the program, as well as the results for bioassessments of local streams. Special thanks to the Alfred Quimby Foundation and Ham Foundation for their support of the program as well as local towns’ support for this and other water quality monitoring programs.
For more information please email Education Coordinator Tara Schroeder.

Students from Ossipee Central School collect macroinvertebrates for the VBAP program on Beech River.
Recycle your sneakers at the event!
Attendees are encouraged to bring their gently worn, used and new sneakers to be recycled through Got Sneakers! There will be a collection bin at the November 10th event.