Saco River Watershed Stream Crossings Assessment Project Presentation
April 19, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
The “Saco River Watershed Stream Crossings Ass essment Project” will be presented April 19, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Learn how your community can improve water quality and restore wildlife habitat while increasing public health and safety. This program will highlight findings from an assessment of the watershed and what towns need to do to ensure protection of infrastructure, water quality, and aquatic ecosystems. Restoring stream crossing and replacing culverts will reduce flooding hazards and decrease the amount of pollution from stormwater runoff flowing into our surface waters. Representatives from New Hampshire Fish and Game, New Hampshire Geological Survey of the Department of Environmental Services, North Country Council, Saco Headwaters Alliance, Green Mountain Conservation Group and the NH Association of Conservation Commissions will present the summary of the results of stream crossings surveys completed from 2020-2022 across the upper Saco River Watershed for the towns of Albany, Bartlett, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Jackson, Madison, Ossipee, Sandwich, Tamworth and Wakefield. Stream crossings such as culverts and bridges were surveyed and assessed for flood vulnerability, aquatic organism passage, structural integrity and how compatible they are with the natural channels of rivers and streams. Project partners will share initial results, priorities, funding resources and next steps in the process of addressing all of the crossings in need across the watershed. This program is geared towards municipal officials, road agents, town DPWs, conservation committees, and other stakeholders and is free and open to the public.
Pre-register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqde-vrz8vH9L3Q7SqRCPuQ_41vAHvZF4P