South River Marsh Walking Tour June 9th
June 9, 2012 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Join Dr. Rick Van de Poll and GMCG Staff for
a tour of the South River Marsh
Saturday June 9, 10 am – 1 pm
Meet at: Huntress House, 196 Huntress Bridge Road, Effingham
Take a walking tour of some of the most valuable wetlands in Effingham.
FMI: Call GMCG at 603-539-1859, or
email: gmcgnh@roadrunner.com
This walking tour of some of the most valuable wetlands in Effingham will look at the diversity of functions that wetlands provide in a changing climate. From water storage and water quality mediation, to wildlife habitat and flood prevention, wetlands continue to provide society with invaluable benefits every day. After an initial talk that will highlight basic information about wetlands (and especially those in Effingham), we will tour the South River Marsh area on Town property. This easy to moderately strenuous walk through the woods will visit one of the best wildlife habitat areas in town. Changes brought on by natural storm events (e.g. Hurricane Irene) as well as human impacts will be discussed in light of a changing climate that brings more frequent floods, more intense storms, less snow, and potentially longer droughts.
What to bring: water, waterproof footwear, adequate raingear as required