Update 8/28/2019: As of Monday, August 26, Pinetree Power has withdrawn the groundwater discharge permit applications: https://www4.des.state.nh.us/IISProxy/IISProxy.dll?ContentId=4801286
Please find below letters detailing concerns of the Ossipee Aquifer Advisory Committee and Green Mountain Conservation Group about a proposed groundwater discharge permit that has been submitted to NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) by Pinetree Power of Tamworth, NH. The proposed discharge will have significant deleterious impacts to drinking water in the pristine Ossipee Aquifer and over 20 years of efforts to protect this critically important drinking water source. Also below are links to more information, including the permit application to NHDES, the hydraulic test report, and more.
CLICK HERE for the formal Letter from Green Mountain Conservation Group to NHDES
CLICK HERE for the formal letter from the Ossipee Aquifer Advisory Committee to NHDES

Figure 1. Map showing the extent of the Ossipee Aquifer in the area of Pinetree Power. The proposed infiltration site is shown by the open pipe symbol. Note that the location within the Town of Tamworth is adjacent to Madison, Ossipee and Freedom. Impacts can extend across town boundaries. Red dots represent domestic wells that are part of the GMCG-Smith College water quality study.

Figure 2. Bar graph comparing ambient groundwater (Aquifer) with diluted circulation water. Ambient concentrations are so low as to barely be visible on the graph.

Figure 3. Map showing the areas that could potentially be impacted by the infiltration of wastewater assuming the requested 100,000 gallon per day rate for 1 year. The total volume of aquifer that would be filled by waste would the area shown in red to a thickness of 1ft. The areas shaded in blue show the WHPAs for public water supplies in the area.
Permit Application: https://www4.des.state.nh.us/IISProxy/IISProxy.dll?ContentId=4783239
RIB Hydraulic Loading Test: https://www4.des.state.nh.us/IISProxy/IISProxy.dll?ContentId=4783313
Pinetree Power Information: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pine-Tree-Power/136260253236260
Other documents may be viewed on the NHDES’ OneStop Data Site using the DES Interest Id 199407004
- Enter Id# press Enter
- Press the blue identifier that says “Rapid Infiltration Basin ”
- scroll down to “Activities” — select “Show List” button for Groundwater Permit Application Received
- scroll down to “Activity Documents” — select “Show” for item you wish to view
Please feel free to contact education@gmcg.org if you have any questions about these concerns, and share any concerns you have with the following people by September 26, 2019 when NHDES will make decisions on this permit:
Honorable Governor Chris Sununu
Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
Robert S. Scott, Commissioner
NH Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03302-0095
Mitchell Locker, P.G.
Groundwater Recharge Program
PO Box 95
Concord, NH 03302-0095